‘Tanken Roman World Heritage’ documentary
Below is an NHK documentary/TV show on hiking in Yakushima showing much of the island. It is split into 5 parts for Youtube.
A Yakumonkey Guide to enjoying Yakushima 2019
Below is an NHK documentary/TV show on hiking in Yakushima showing much of the island. It is split into 5 parts for Youtube.
The snow conditions in 2012: UPDATE: No snow on the main trails as of 2nd March 2012 Shiratani Unsuikyo and the Kusugawa Trail The following photo was taken on 7th Jan 2012 at Tsuji pass above Shiratani Unsuikyo. There was 3-4 cm of snow and no special footwear was needed
In mid Jan snow fall at Yodogawa trailhead was at 15-20 cm. The Yodogawa Hut was surrounded by 20-30 cm of snow and reached -3℃. Hana-no-ego Marsh has been under 30-40 cm of snow and with wind chill reached -15℃. The snow was recorded at 30 cm around Wilson Stump
Is It Safe to Travel in Japan I d Like to Take a Hiking Trip –(function() { var scribd = document.createElement(“script”); scribd.type = “text/javascript”; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = “http://www.scribd.com/javascripts/embed_code/inject.js”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })();
The following is a guide to choose the best time to hike to Jomon Sugi. It is based on visitor numbers from previous years and is to help avoid adding to the queues of hikers on the trail. If at all possible visit outside of the busy periods so that
The Arakawa Trail Entrance Shuttle bus. The stretch of road between Arakawa junction and the Arakawa Trail Entrance is closed to traffic and walkers between May 2th and 5th for 4 days and July 7th and Sept 22nd for 67 days. The only way you can get to the Trail
Three loggerhead turtles and three green turtles are to be raised in the VIP room aboard a ferry boat to determine whether exposure to the rolls and pitches of the vessel around the clock affects how they develop. Read the article: Baby Turtles take a boat ride to Yakushima