Newsletter May 2009
Here is the Newsletter for May 2009. If you would like to receive future newsletters by e-mail please sign up on the right.
Yakushima Newsletter May 2009 Yakushima Newsletter May 2009 for
A Yakumonkey Guide to enjoying Yakushima 2019
Here is the Newsletter for May 2009. If you would like to receive future newsletters by e-mail please sign up on the right.
Yakushima Newsletter May 2009 Yakushima Newsletter May 2009 for
1. NEW: From 25th November 2010 for 2 weeks the Miyanoura Tozando bridge will be closed for repairs and hikers therefore cannot use the Yodogawa Path to climb Mt.Miyanoura. Miyanoura Tozandou, the bridge metres away from Yodogawa hut, has been closed due to damage sustained during rainy season. As can
Try this application to see the tide times for Yakushima. Type in ‘Yakushima’ and hit ‘submit’ Here are some examples of monthly charts of the tides in Yakushima. Low tides are useful to know especially for activities like bathing in Hirauchi Seaside onsen or snorkelling in Kurio. April 2014 Tide
Although shops on Yakushima are rather basic, all the necessities can be found in one of the stores. Here’s the shopping delights. MIYANOURA Large supermarkets LIFE CENTER YAKUDEN ライフセンターヤクデン Close to the port, across the road from the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Center. It has a little bit of everything
If it is raining up in the mountains and you have little time to wait a day or two for the weather to clear, this trail is the closest thing there is to the big mountain trails. It begins at Onoaida onsen and gently meanders through the forest for an
KUSUGAWA TRAIL 楠川歩道 You don’t see much about the Kusugawa trail in tourist information. This is because it starts at the coast and snakes up to Shiratani Unsuikyo. You can get to Shiratani Unsuikyo by car or bus, so why hike up there? Well every time I’ve been along here, it has
The South-west coast of Yakushima NAKAMA BEACH 中間浜 Location: Nakama (See Google maps) Nakama beach Nakama is a quiet village and the beach is usually deserted. It’s the best place on the island to surf. TSUKAZAKI TIDAL POOLS 塚崎タイドプール Location: Kurio (See Google maps) Tsukazaki Tidal pool is usually