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Filling in Yakushima’s blanks – an article from the Daily Yomiuri
Filling in Yakushima’s blanks: Mapping remote island’s wild, lush mountains a 5-decade quest by Akiko Yoshinaga (Yomiuri Shimbun) “The moss is much paler than usual. It hasn’t rained much, so maybe it’s not getting enough moisture,” Itsuo Ota, 69, said as he felt the moss growing along a mountain path
The climate on Yakushima
Firstly – here’s the weather forecast for Yakushima this week: Despite what you may have read or heard – No, it doesn’t rain all the time on Yakushima. The 35 days of rain a month quote that people like to use doesn’t represent reality. Around the coast there is as
If it is raining up in the mountains and you have little time to wait a day or two for the weather to clear, this trail is the closest thing there is to the big mountain trails. It begins at Onoaida onsen and gently meanders through the forest for an
In mid Jan snow fall at Yodogawa trailhead was at 15-20 cm. The Yodogawa Hut was surrounded by 20-30 cm of snow and reached -3℃. Hana-no-ego Marsh has been under 30-40 cm of snow and with wind chill reached -15℃. The snow was recorded at 30 cm around Wilson Stump
Tides in Yakushima
Clive Witham
Try this application to see the tide times for Yakushima. Type in ‘Yakushima’ and hit ‘submit’ Here are some examples of monthly charts of the tides in Yakushima. Low tides are useful to know especially for activities like bathing in Hirauchi Seaside onsen or snorkelling in Kurio. April 2014 Tide
Arakawa Trail Access Road Rules 2015
Here are the road regulations the access road to the Arakawa trail which are now a permanent fixture in the annual hiking calendar. Arakawa tozan bus