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The climate on Yakushima
Firstly – here’s the weather forecast for Yakushima this week: Despite what you may have read or heard – No, it doesn’t rain all the time on Yakushima. The 35 days of rain a month quote that people like to use doesn’t represent reality. Around the coast there is as
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Farewell to the Old Man of the forest
Clive Witham
Anyone who has taken the Okabu trail from the logging railway on their way to Jomon Sugi would have come across a grand old tree called Okina Sugi (翁杉). It was thought to be around 2000 years old and was hidden beneath a coat of thick green moss. Here is
Arakawa Trail
Clive Witham
The Arakawa trail is the most used path on Yakushima as it goes past the most famous of Sugi trees – Jomon Sugi. The route starts at the old railway terminal and follows the train tracks past the following places… An abandoned wagon at the beginning of the trail A
Kayaking on Yakushima
Clive Witham
SEA KAYAKING Kayaking with Field Guide Spinnaker Kayaking with Field Guide Spinnaker RIVER KAYAKING Kayaking on Anbo river Kayaking is a wonderful way to see nature. You start here at Anbo… Anbo river mouth …and head towards the mountains. The river is very beautiful after a few minutes paddling upstream
Shiratani Unsuikyo Road closure
The road up to Shiratani has been worked on for the past few years almost constantly. It has always been dangerous with tight bends and narrow lanes but the widening work has improved it a lot. The live camera in Miyanoura faces the mountain road – Look at the mountain