Yakushima Mountain Huts

There are 6 mountain huts on Yakushima’s mountain ranges. All of them offer a dry place to sleep and a toilet but little else. Water can be found in the streams that run near to them and like all the rivers and streams in the higher mountains is crystal clear and safe to drink.

For the average monthly temperatures at each hut go to Temperatures in Yakushima.

THE LOWER HUTS: (the easiest to get to from the coast).


Shiratani hutSleeps: 40
Building structure: Reinforced Concrete
Altitude: 825m

This hut is less than an hour from Shiratani Unsuikyu car park. The toilet is actually inside which especially in summer can be an odour problem. It has an open area but also has three rooms with basic bunks. Like all the huts it’s first come, first served. In summer it gets busy here as it’s on one of the routes to Jomon Sugi and Mt.Miyanoura.

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Sleeps: 20
Building structure: Wooden building
Altitude: 1380m

The Yodogawa hut is on the opposite side of the mountains and can be reached via Anbo on the Yakusugiland road. It’s less than an hour from the end of the mountain road on the Yodogawa trail. Because of this it’s a very popular hut to stay in and is often packed with hikers who take the road up in the late afternoon and begin their hiking the following morning.

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The two huts around Jomon Sugi are popular places to stay after the long slog to get there. The nearest is…


Sleeps: 20
Building structure: specially constructed cardboard building (rebuilt 2013)
Altitude: 1330m

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Sleeps: 40
Building structure: Wooden building
Altitude: 1460m

This is further along the path and is larger than the Takatsu hut.

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Sleeps: 20
Building structure: Stone-built
Altitude: 1550m

The next hut is on the Nagata path not far from the from the summit of Mt.Nagata. The Nagata path is long and arduous and few people climb Mt.Nagata after climbing Mt.Miyanoura so the hut is usually quite empty.

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Sleeps: 20
Building structure: Concrete-block building
Altitude: 1600m

This is on a path off Hana-no-eigo highland marsh or alternatively at the top of the rarely used path from Yakusugiland. Locals claim that it’s haunted with the ghosts of an American bomber crew who crashed into the mountain during the war and is probably the least used of the huts.

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An alternative to the huts if the weather closes in when around the high peaks, there are several cave like rock formations which provide shelter and some of them have plastic sheeting stored for emergencies.

For more information about Yakushima accommodation and hiking check out the one and only Yakushima: A Yakumonkey Guide

Yakushima Guide book

6 thoughts on “Yakushima Mountain Huts

  • August 8, 2016 at 8:56 pm

    How bus will these be in the last week of August? Think its possible to count on a place? And what time would you recommend to arrive? Thanks

  • March 30, 2017 at 8:08 am

    Your site is spectacular. Thank you.

    We are thinking about going at the very beginnign of April.

    Will a 0 degrees C sleeping bag be okay for the higher huts like takatsu?

    Will it be busy at that time? Specifically, how early would we have to arrive at Yodogawa hut on a Saturday night?

  • March 30, 2017 at 9:39 am

    Thanks Ayres. Yes, you'll be okay with a sleeping bag like that. It may be chilly but it shouldn't be cold. Early April is not usually that busy but there is a school holiday so you can expect more visitors than normal for that time of year. On busy days if you arrive late afternoon, there is usually space in the huts.

  • July 28, 2017 at 4:34 pm

    Nice site, planning to buy the book anyway… very soon. (to plan the trails we will walk)
    We are planning a 2 night 3 day trip (or 1 day and night extra) as a part of a 3,5 week vacation in Japan, (coming from Osaka where we will probably land 2 to 3 days earlier) . We would like to stay in one of the mountain huts.(first night probably).. It will be around 20th of March (I know we are early)… So we are looking for a location to store our main luggage for the night.. because I tend to get some degree of back pain when towing heavy loads I will travel with a suitcase on wheels instead of a backpack..Any thoughts on that? How does everybody else handle this issue… The are some storage boxes in the port I read.. but not for overnight… An easy option is to have the hotel/ryokan/minshuku where we will stay the next night(s) keep it in custody but need to have a alternative option too…

  • July 30, 2017 at 9:02 am

    Yes, in Miyanoura there are luggage storage and also luggage transportation facilities. It just depends on the size of your suitcase. If you get the book, you'll find more information.

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