Here are some of the spectacular Sugi trees that have made Yakushima famous:
Height: 25.3 metres
Diameter: 5.22 metres
Trunk circumference: 16.4 metres
Age: 2600-7200 years old
Access: Okabu trail
Height: 19.5 metres
Trunk circumference: 8.1 metres
Age: 3000 years old
Access: Road to Yodogawa Entrance
Height: 21.5 metres
Trunk circumference: 8.0 metres
Age: 1800 years old
Access: Yakusugiland
Height: 26.1 metres
Trunk circumference: 8.1 metres
Age: 3000 years old
Access: Shiratani Unsuikyo
There are of course many more trees well over 1000 years old which are not so well known but are included in the Yakumonkey Guide to Yakushima